- An interdenominational church. (People of all denominations are welcome)
- A church that offers reconciliation to God through the acceptance and subsequent relationship with Jesus Christ, our Savior.
- A fellowship of believers that focus on prayer and direct communication with the Heavenly Father
- A body of believers who seek to love others and each other as Christ loved mankind.
- A congregation of the gospel of truth is instructing how to live out the will of God.
- A church that extends a helping hand to all who are in need
OUR MISSION……………The goal of Solid Rock International Worship Center is to bring the Good News to all who are weary and heavy laden. Sin no longer has to enslave us, for we have been redeemed through the blood of Jesus Christ. Our Pastors’ vision for the church is to always be a beacon of light in a dark and disappointing world. Evangelism is how the church started and the reason it still stands. Solid Rock International Worship Center has a passion for giving to the poor, aiding the sick and giving comfort and counsel to the broken-hearted. We emphasize sharing Jesus by showing others His love for them. “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13: 35 |
We Believe…………….
- That the Bible is a book inspired by God.
- In one God, eternally existing in three persons (the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit).
- That Jesus Christ is the only-begotten son of the Father, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
- That Jesus was crucified for our sins, and buried, and has risen from the dead. He ascended into heaven and is at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us.
- That all men have sinned and come short of the Glory of God and that repentance is necessary for the forgiveness of sins.
- That justification, regeneration and new birth are brought by faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- In sanctification after the new birth, through faith in the blood of Christ, the word of God, and the Holy Spirit.
- That divine healing is available to all, by Jesus Christ who provided atonement at the cross.
Dear Friend,
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our website and our church. We hope that in viewing this site it gives you a glimpse into our church family. We pray that it inspires you to seek a deeper relationship with Jesus. We founded and have served at Solid Rock International for over 20 years, and our passion is to share the gospel with all nations. Although most of our services are in Haitian Creole and English, we welcome all nations. In fact every third Sunday is an English only service, and we often have speakers preach in Spanish as well. We provide interpretation services so that everyone has a chance to hear and understand the word of God. Our worship services contains contemporary worship songs as well as the tried and true classic hymns. We always have a wonderful time!
At Solid Rock International Worship Center, you will quickly see that we make family a priority. In fact, we believe that marriage was the very first institution created by God. Churches are simply families that connect to worship and serve God together. We have been married and serving the Lord together for four decades. We have three adult children who serve in the ministry with us, in various domains, such as music, youth outreach, women’s ministry, and children’s ministry.
Our primary goal is to let others know that there is Salvation for all through Jesus Christ, Restoration to the Heavenly Father, and Inspiration through the guiding of the Holy Spirit. We can’t wait to see you next Sunday!
May His light shine upon you today and always,
Pastors Raoul and Louise Dieudonne